Our story

Times change, OLDINN remains
Hotel OLDINN has retained its authentic ambience and atmosphere for almost 600 years. It consists of three historically and architecturally connected listed buildings. Upon entering the hotel, the legends of Český Krumlov seem to come alive again. Here you can relive all the long forgotten stories.
The first hotel building on the left, if you are standing on the square and looking at the hotel, also known as the Golden Crown, was built in the Gothic style. Historically significant is the Gothic chapel on the ground floor, built with typical Gothic ribbed vaults. The second building, the Municipal Court, originally served as a place to accommodate official visitors to the city. It was rebuilt in the 19th century and from 1850 served as the county courthouse. During the reconstruction of the last building, Hodek's House, wooden Renaissance ceilings and 16th-century murals with scenes from Ovid's Metamorphoses were found on the second floor.
We are proud that many stories are connected to our hotel in the center of Český Krumlov. For example, the one about the town painter Simon, who lived here for several years around 1424, or about Peter of Rosenberg, a civil servant and tutor to Václav of Rovný, who carried out late Gothic renovations. After 1599, home-brewed beer was brewed and served in the buildings. Records from 1716 tell of a baker who baked the famous sweet gingerbread here. If you want to explore all the stories and legends, there is no better place to start.
The walls of the hotel whisper different stories...
The first written mention dates back to 1424 and tells of the painter Simon, who was known for his magical colours. He was asked by Lord Rosenberg himself to paint all the rooms in the castle to get rid of ghosts.
In 1484, Václav of Rovný, a Rosenberg civil servant and educator, started the construction of the domestic chapel. A symbol where knowledge and prayer meet in harmony.
In 1510 a merchant and local councillor Ondřej Fridburgar made a living by importing foreign spices. One story says that the actors of Krumlov used chilli as the best way to make themselves cry.
Around 1658 Jan Nygrín brewed and served beer that was so strong that it made people lose their memory for a week.
1678 & 1689
Between 1678 and 1689 the mintmaster Filip Ignac Háckel produced coins here. An old legend says that every Christmas he gave half of the coins to the poor people in Český Krumlov.
In 1716, the young Abbot Osvald started making gingerbread in our hotel because he fell in love with a lady from the castle. He sent her sweet messages until she succumbed to him.
1739 – 1784
Between 1739 and 1784, a couple of friends made handmade limewood cabinets and supplied the whole town with them. Český Krumlov was known for some time as a linden town.
If you were living in Český Krumlov in 1849, you could have been both condemned and imprisoned in one of the hotel buildings. The first two floors were used as a regional court and the ground floor as a prison.
In the 20th century, all the townspeople washed their dirty laundry in this building. Some say the richest people in town came here to do laundry too... but dirty money.
THE 50'S
Since the 1950s the building has been used as a city hotel.
Many guests claim to have heard a quiet voice telling exciting stories from the past. So listen carefully, you may hear them too.